Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Importance of work groups in organizations Essay

Work groups help members to feel that they belong to a group that is unique and worthy to be in. the group belief that it can perform well as a team and be more effective than when they are apart. The groups develop positive attitude and good behavior which help them to trust each other as they continue contributing to the group. The team ability to face challenge is strengthened and the group feels safe and is able to explore and use their best skill and cooperate to get job well done. The ideas and opinions of group members are appreciated and they understand and respect the qualities that make each one of them unique from the others in order to understand what each one of them is supposed to do. WAYS WORK GROUPS ARE RELATED TO ORGANIZATION OUTCOME The resources available are used efficiently without wastage of any one of them. Time is used well to do the duties allocated to group members and the budget set is well utilized to balance the income and expenditure of the organization. There is increased productivity and less supervision of employees and employees are motivated to perform activities that lead to success of the organization. IMPACT OF MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY ON HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Management philosophy helps to simplify activities which results to better performance because when the work to be done is simple, employees will be able to do it well and fast leading to high production. Costs go down in the purchase of raw materials and payment of workers and at the end of it all, profits margins will be high because revenue generated will be higher than the costs incurred in production. The basic skills help employees to do the job well and make contribution to the department they are assigned to work in because they will know what they are expected to do and do it perfectly. Employees will also have the full potential and are equipped to deal with changing demand in the organization. Good communication skills help to maintain safety in the work place and serve customers well. Employees are motivated and are satisfied with the job and problems are solved which results to growth in the organization. REFERENCE Odiorne George; Strategic Management of Human resource; Jossey-Bass, 1984.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Assessment and Feedback Essay

Assessment drives the choices students make about their learning. It is widely recognised that assessment and feedback contain the strongest potential to change how, and what, students do to succeed in their learning (Ramsden, 2003). This Effective Teaching Guide on Assessment provides practical suggestions on assessment and feedback. Assessment of Learning and Assessment for Learning David Boud, a recognised researcher and scholar of assessment in higher education, suggests that assessment has many purposes, but particularly to help students to improve their learning and certify students’ learning. These two purposes lead to different ways of thinking about what, how, and when to assess students: |Assessment OF Learning |Assessment FOR Learning | |Focused on learning that has already happened; |Focused on learning for the future; | |Making a judgement about final performance; |Goal is to provide useful information to students about how to learn | |Designed to discriminate between students’ achievement and performance; |more effectively; | | Focused on grades, precision and measurement; |Helps students to identify what they do and don’t know – focus is on | |Concerned that tasks are reliable and valid; |improvement; and, | |Testing usually takes place under ‘standardised’ conditions; and, |Develops students’ judgements about the quality of their work – and how | |Grade contributes to final certification. |to improve. | According to Boud and Associate’s Seven Propositions for Assessment Reform in Higher Education (2010), assessment has most effect when: 1. Assessment is used to engage students in learning that is productive (including the need for assessment to be designed to focus students on learning); 2. Feedback is used to actively improve student learning; 3. Students and teachers become responsible partners in learning and assessment; 4. Students are inducted into the assessment practices and cultures of higher education; 5. Assessment for learning is placed at the centre of subject and project design; 6. Assessment for learning is a focus for staff and institutional development; and, 7. Assessment provides inclusive and trustworthy representation of student achievement. The power of feedback Feedback plays an important role in improving students’ learning. A useful summary is that provided by Gibbs and Simpson’s (2004). In their meta-study of the research about how assessment and feedback support student learning, 7 of their 10 identified conditions relate to feedback, and students’ understanding of feedback. These are:  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Sufficient feedback is provided, both often enough and in enough detail; †¢ Feedback focuses on students’ performance, on their learning and on actions under the students’ control, rather than on the students themselves and on their characteristics; †¢ Feedback is timely in that it is received by students while it still matters to them, and in time for them to pay attention to further learning or receive further assistance; †¢ Feedback is appropriate to the purpose of the assignment and to its criteria for success; †¢ Feedback is appropriate, in relation to students’ understanding of what they are supposed to be doing; †¢ Feedback is received and attended to; and, †¢ Feedback is acted on by the student. Hounsell (2004) also makes the following points about feedback: †¢ It can be extrinsic (assessment-focused) or intrinsic (activity and practice-based); †¢ It can be immediate and verbal (in order to address the potential lack of engagement when it arrives after an assessment); †¢ It can be provided to be a whole class; †¢ It can be many to many where students are involved in identifying the strengths and weaknesses (peer feedback); and, †¢ Feedback can be a loop – it can be offered on unfinished work. Another useful idea is feed-forward. Feed-forward encourages students to use something like a marking rubric (also captured by the idea of criteria and standards) to help plan their approach to an assessment. While a marking rubric is routinely used by university teachers to mark/grade students’ work (as an expression of what a student needs to demonstrate (and the level they need to achieve) to receive a particular grade), the idea of feed-forward is about encouraging students to use that same information in the rubric to plan their work, and perhaps even, to self-assess it before submitting it for formal feedback. In summary: Feedback example: Develop a marking rubric as a cover sheet. The rubric identifies the elements of the assignment, together with a breakdown of marks for each element or a description of the standard for an A, B, C, D, P etc. Feed-forward example: Provide the marking rubric to students before the assignment is due so that they clearly understand what’s expected, the levels of achievement, and can plan their approach accordingly. In marking student work, you’ll need a suite of feedback techniques. Remember, if you’re going to be spending a lot of time providing feedback, you want to make sure that students read, use and engage with your feedback to improve their next assignment. The best way to do that is to have a range of techniques that you can draw on, when you need to. The table below describes some feedback techniques. |Technique |Why use this technique? |How would I use this technique? | |Use a marking rubric that contains information |To encourage students to engage, wrestle |Set aside time to discuss the rubric with students| |about criteria and standards. Offer it to |with and develop an understanding of the |in class. Provide examples of what an A, B, C, D | |students so that they can use it to plan high |criteria and standards related to an |and P level answer /assignment looks like. Explain| |achieving work. |assessment task before embarking on their|the differences to students and engage them in a | | |work. |dialogue. Get them to mark assignments samples so | | | |that they have to engage with the criteria and | | | |standards before embarking on their own | | | |assignment. | |Provide verbal ‘global’ feedback to the whole |To emphasise the common achievements and |As you mark assignments, make a list of 3 things | |class. |errors made across all assignments within|done well, and 3 things in need of improvement | | |a student cohort. |across the whole cohort. Use the next available | | | |class to provide feedback to the whole cohort. Be | | | |specific and provide an example. Post a summary on| | | |Moodle. | |Provide written feedback only. The mark/grade |To focus students’ improvement efforts on| | |is released only after students demonstrate a |the written comment rather than the | | |plan for improvement. |number/grade. The technique assumes that | | | |the learning for students is located in | | | |the staff comments. | | |Invite students to tell you 2-3 specific |To develop students’ capacity to |Ask students to write these 2-3 elements somewhere| |elements of the assignment they would like you |self-assess the quality of their |on the assignment cover sheet before submitting | |to focus your feedback on. |submitted work. |it. Your feedback on these elements does not need | | | |to be extensive but they warrant comment. | |Ask students to indicate the grade (ie, A, B, |To encourage students to engage with the |Invite students to write a 100 word justification | |C, D) they think their assignment should |criteria and standards for the assignment|about the grade they’ve nominated. Your final | |receive. |as part of their planning. |feedback and grade does not need to align with the| | | |students but you may wish to note any differences | | | |in each of your perceptions about the quality of | | | |the work. | |Encourage students to demonstrate/write how |For students to demonstrate how they have|Make this aspect a ‘hurdle’ requirement – to be | |they’ve used your feedback as part of the next |used feedback to improve future learning. |submitted with the next immediate assignment. | |assignment. | | | One observation you might make about each of these techniques is that they are focused on: (i) engaging students with the criteria and standards, and (ii) with what the student does with the feedback they receive. If you’d like to read more about these two ideas (and others like them), two articles may be especially useful to you: Rust, Price & O’Donovan (2003) and Price, O’Donovan & Rust (2004). Consistency and fairness in marking and feedback Consistency in marking, or moderation, is aimed at ensuring fairness in marking, and requires finding or establishing agreement between markers. Making sure that assignments contain criteria and standards is a good start because the expectations involved are clear to the student and clear to the marker. Although this does not absolve the marker from interpreting students’ work, without criteria or standards, the job of marking ends up being much harder. The procedures for marking are set out in the University’s Assessment Procedures (an excerpt of the principles is below): Where there is more than one marker, selected pieces of work from each assessment task should be reviewed by the subject coordinator to verify the level and consistency of the marks allocated by the marker. This process, called moderation, increases the reliability of the assessment process and application of standards, promotes consistency, supports objectivity and establishes a shared understanding of standards and fairness in assessment. The university also has a grading schema with a range of Pass grades. |80-100% |A | |70-79% |B | |60-69% |C | |50-59% |D | |Ungraded |P (may also denote satisfactory completion of a Masters Prelim course of | | |postgraduate thesis) | Graduate capabilities Alongside the conventional grading schema, from 2012, all commencing first year students will receive a result on the achievement of the university’s six graduate capabilities at the end of the year: †¢ Writing †¢ Speaking †¢ Inquiry/Research †¢ Critical thinking †¢ Creative Problem-solving †¢ Teamwork There are some subjects which have been designated cornerstone, mid-point and capstone status. This means that their curriculum has been designed to teach, assess, provide feedback and report specifically on these graduate capabilities. For each graduate capability, students will receive one of three results: exceeded expectations, met expectations or did not meet expectations. Each faculty has carefully crafted a description of what these standards look like. It may be the case that you will be asked to provide feedback to students about their graduate capability achievement as well. Because faculties will have already done substantial work outlining those standards, it is likely you will be asked to offer students that feedback. Summary When considered together, assessment and feedback are incredibly powerful levers for influencing the direction of students’ efforts, and their learning. For many students, the assessment in the subject is the actual curriculum. It is largely students’ reading and perception of what the assessment demands of them which is a key determinant in how they spend their time in a subject. Therefore, the messages that students take away about assessment from the documents; the Subject Guide; from interaction with other students, are important considerations. In the second week, you will discover just how crucial feedback is to this process and how the adoption of standards and criteria will help you mark and grade more efficiently and effectively. References Gibbs, G. and Simpson, C. (2004). Conditions Under Which Assessment Supports Student Learning. Learning and Teaching, Issue 1, pp: 3-31. Hattie, J. & Timperley, H. (2007). The Power of Feedback. Review of Educational Research, 77(1), 81-112. Hounsell, D. (2004). Reinventing Feedback in the Contemporary Scottish University. Scottish Quality Enhancement Workshop on Assessment, University of Glasgow [available online at: www. enhancementthemes. ac. uk/documents/events/20040604/Hounsellpaper. pdf]. O’Donovan, B. , Price, M. , & Rust, C. (2004). Know what I mean? Enhancing student understanding of assessment standards and criteria. Teaching in Higher Education, 9(3), 325-335. Orrell, J. (2006). Assessment beyond intuition. Central Queensland University [available online at: http://www. learning. cq. edu. au/FCWViewer/view. do? page=8896, accessed Feb 2011]. Price, M. , O’Donovan, B. , & Rust, C. (2004). Know what I mean? Enhancing student understanding of assessment standards and criteria. Teaching in Higher Education, 9(3), 325-335. Ramsden, P. (2003). Learning to teach in higher education. (2nd edition). Routledge, NY & London. Rust, C. , Price, M. , & O’Donovan, B. (2003). Improving Students’ Learning by Developing their Understanding of Assessment Criteria and Processes. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 28(2), 147-164. Taylor, J. (2008). Assessment in First Year University: A model to manage transition. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 5(1).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Compare and Contrast 2 American poets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Compare and Contrast 2 American poets - Essay Example Many scholars and poets consider Walt Whitman as one of the most influential American poets who sought to use transcend traditional epics and eschew normal aesthetic form to define the nature of the American experience and its democracy. On the other hand, Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was an American poet born in 1886 in America. Notably, the two poets had unique writing styles although they were both American. Many people consider them as the founders of modern American poetry. Indeed, modern poets borrow from their works although the prowess of the two poets stands out. A careful consideration of their works shows numerous differences in terms of writing styles. From the physical inspection, Emily Dickinson’s poems are short and seemingly simple while Walt Whitman’s poems are long and seemingly complex to read and understand. The poems, â€Å"To a stranger† by Walt Whitman and the poem, â€Å"I am alive-I guess† by Emily Dickinson confirms this assertion. Indeed, Walt Whitman’s poems use extensive descriptions to elongate his ideas. This portrays him as an outgoing, social, and talkative poet. For example in the poem â€Å"Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,† each line and word insinuates a picture in our minds and the poem goes on for a long time (Lehman 131-136). On the other hand, Emily Dickinson uses compact and concise words and lines to describe her works. Indeed, we can derive so much meaning from just a few words in her short poems. The short lines and phrases in her works allow the audience to derive their ow n meaning from her poems. It is thus clear that she uses few words to create diverse meaning. The poem, â€Å"Much Madness is divinest sense† uses the terms â€Å"Much Madness is divinest sense-to a discerning eye-Much sense-the starkest madness-Tis’ the majority† to derive a deeper and diverse meaning. Nevertheless, although their writing styles are different, the two poets

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Process Of Exploring a complex situation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Process Of Exploring a complex situation - Essay Example by different researchers have shown the evidence that the extrinsic rewards could negatively harm the intrinsic motivation of the employees (Deci and Ryan, 1985). The studies were conducted on a set of professionals who were clearly mentioned of the nature of reward that has been instituted for a brief period. The results obtained after withdrawing the rewards showed a sharp reduction in the productivity in those rewarded from those who were not rewarded. Thus the managers, who often feel that the higher the incentives could always ensure higher performance often, fail to realize the negative impact it could cause to the system when such schemes are forced to be withdrawn. This is common with the prevailing business situations across the globe, where poor business environment forces the managers to propose the cost reduction measures. One such step would be lowering of the existing incentive schemes which would lead to lowering of the productivity that were available much before this reductive proposals as per the existing theories of motivation. (Word count: 210) Every organization in its management practice has powers which are both visible and invisible. The powers that are present based on the hierarchy of practice which defines the functional space and the linkages in the responsibilities in the organizational framework are the common visible powers centers in any establishment. The invisible power centers that those which are not guided by the direct business objectives but rather from the cultural or ethical compulsions that forces every employees to take a certain decision making in their domain of activity. And the exact proportion of the division of each type of powers in each organization cannot be specified in exact quantitative terms. The visible powers are more necessary for the quantitative outputs of the job and identifying the work efficiency of every employee. This would be key driving force to maintain the organizational

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Medivac Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Medivac - Essay Example the law is still a question legally battle as consideration is given to the investors who may want to have such information in order to help make informed decision regarding the investment. In this regard, the courts will find it an offence to have crossed the materiality threshold if the information was given to an investor who did not seek such information but based on making a fortune. The law prohibits such moves that are only aimed at making individuals to invest based on envisaged fortune. The case of piper v. Chis-Craft Industries, Inc. comes in handy in the understanding how the article is enforceable in law (Hazen, 2003). The supreme court in there ruling determined that there should be no private remedy in the case of competing tender offeror. The court declined to do direct compensation of any private remedy, and instead highlighted that the opinion was in pursuit of section 14 (e) - Private right of action in the hands of the target company or its shareholders (Hazen, 2003). The Court in arguing the case of piper indicated that the motive of Williams act was to ensure further protection by furnishing the shareholder of the target information so that they could make informed choices and not that of competing tender offerors, which were considered collateral benefits to the tender offer provisions (Hazen, 2003). This shows how the article consideration for enforcement is determined. The underlying factor in this case is the intention of giving the insider information t the prospective shareholders. If the intention is the response to inquiry, then one may be considered not culpable for any violation of the statute, but if it is proved to be for the conspiracy to make a fortune for oneself then it is a violation of the act. The federal security act was enacted following the stock market crash of 1929, which ensued the great depression in the American economy. The period lasted of about a decade and resulted into negative impact on the industrialized

Friday, July 26, 2019

Financial Markets and Institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Financial Markets and Institutions - Essay Example The interest can either be fixed or variable. Fixed-rate pays interest irrespective of the institution making enough money to pay, but variable rates can vary depending on the market conditions prevailing. The bonds which interest rate are expected to reduce can either be attractive or not depending on the view of the investor. A reducing rate bond will earn less hence unattractive, but on the other side it can be a tax haven vehicle as corporate bonds are subject to federal taxes in mark up. Low-rate bond will either be tax exempt or attract low taxes hence it can be attractive from this viewpoint. To a firm a reducing rate bond is attractive as it will cost less to issue and service the bond. Conversely, a firm expecting the rates to increase has to consider other cheaper sources of financing like bank loan if it has less interest rate than what they will pay on bonds (Zacks ETF Research,2012). 14. Bond Downgrade. . Explain how the downgrading of bonds for a particular corporation affects the prices of those bonds, the return to investors that currently hold these bonds, and the potential return to other investors who may invest in the bonds in the near future. Downgrading a bond would mean that the price of the bond will reduce significantly to market equilibrium set by sentiment about the company’s ability to service the bond. Downgrading arises from the ability of the company to service the bond which can be observed from the financial status of the company. If the company is facing financial difficulties, it might be able to pay the bonds when they mature or service current interest rates. Current investor will lose the value of their investment hence can offload the bond which can further reduce the price because of the low demand. When the price will have fallen to the least possible, it can be attractive to new investors who think that the price will rise in future. 15. Junk Bonds. Merrito Inc. is a

Cadillac CTS-V Series 2009 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cadillac CTS-V Series 2009 - Case Study Example In reply to that, Cadillac introduced the CTS in 2002 with a promise to carry forward the company's name and tradition of technology and design innovation. The car, at once got the attention of customers of Mercedes Benz, BMW and AUDI as the CTS was supposed to give head to head competition to the 3 Series of BMW, C class of Mercedes and A4 of Audi. This was the first time GM had introduced a rear-wheel drive car since the Cimarron in 1988. This was to mark a big step for the company's future. GM however, was still helpless when it came to competition by the Germans in the form of its modified, high performance editions of its sedans. BMW's Motorsport division, Mercedes' AMG division and Audi's S and RS divisions virtually faced no American competition and this became a cause of concern for GM. For this purpose, GM introduced its own V-Series line of high performance vehicles in 2004 and the Cadillac CTS-V was born. Thanks to the CTS-V, GM now gives its German rivals a tough time. The latest addition in the V series family, the CTS-V 2009, has taken the market by storm. The car will deliver at least 99 more horsepower compared to any of its immediate competitors such as the RS4, the M3 and the c63 AMG. (J.P.Vettraino, 2008). This paper is dedicated to this very model of the CTS, taking a look at the specifications and reviews of this car and analyzing how this car is said to have blown away its competitors. The CTS-V Series (History) The Cadillac CTS-V, introduced in 2004, is a model in Cadillac's V-Series line of high performance vehicles. It had been aimed to counter the increasing imports of sports sedans mainly from Germany such as the Mercedes-Benz C55 AMG and E55 AMG and the BMW's M3 and M5 models. First Generation (2004-2007) In 2004, the CTS sedan was made to go through various performance upgrades and some body work to furnish the car with a sportier, more aero-dynamic look, resulting in the advent of the CTS-V. GM used the 5.7 liter LS6 V8 engine and the six-speed manual Tremec transmission from the Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (Keebler, n.d.). The Z06 was the best performing car in the GM's production line at that time and it was a wise decision to use its parts in developing competition for the German benchmarks. From 2006 onwards, the LS2 engine replaced the LS6. The 6.0 Liter LS2 produced 400hp at 6000rpm and 400ft-lb (542N-m) at 4400rpm. It was quite similar to the high-performance LS6, but with more peak power and torque throughout the rpm range. Also, thanks to the Brembo brakes and Opel tuned chassis, the handling was significantly improved (Paula, 2005). Second Generation (2009-present) To compete against the current BMW M-Series, Audi S and RS-Series, and Mercedes-Benz AMG lineup, the previous engines, the LS6 and the LS2 V8s, lacked power. To have a chance against the current rivals, the CTS's engine had to generate more power. For that purpose, a supercharged V8, the 6.2 liter LSA, based on the LS9A V8 from the recent Corvette ZR-1 was developed. This power plant had the capability to produce 550 hp and 550 lb-ft (746 N-m) of torque (Abuelsamid, 2008). GM will offer two transmission choices, a six speed transmission with a short-throw shifter and dual clutch flywheel, or a paddle shift six speed. With the power to weight ratio similar to that of the Mercedes E63 AMG, the 2009 CTS-V series is fit to send a buzz of excitement in the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

How do primary schools meet the emotional, psychological and Essay

How do primary schools meet the emotional, psychological and behavioural needs of pupils - Essay Example In the past, children were just considered as miniature adults and less attention was paid to their development, especially in the field of cognition, language and physical growth. However, the beginning of the 20th century saw growing interest in the field of child development. This enormous interest led to many theories proposed by researchers. It is important to understand these theories to understand child development properly. The child development theories can be classified into psychoanalytic, cognitive, behavioural and social child development theories. The main proponents of psychoanalytic theories are Sigmund Freud and Erik Erikson. Freud described child development as a series of psychosexual stages (Carver, & Scheir, 2000). The first stage is also known as oral stage. In this stage, the primary source of interaction to the infant is through mouth. Thus sucking and rooting reflexes are important and the infant derives pleasure from activities involving oral stimulation lik e tasting and sucking. Even trust and comfort to the infant is derived from oral stimulation. The primary conflict in this stage is weaning. Fixation in this stage leads to problems with eating and drinking and indulging in smoking and nail biting. The second stage is the anal stage. Gratification in this stage is gained by bladder and bowel movements. The major conflict in this stage is toilet training and how this conflict affects the child is dependent on the way parents approach toilet training. Training using rewards and praises leads to positive experiences and serves as a basis for the child to become productive, creative and competent adults. Parents who take a lenient approach to toilet training can lead to anal-expulsive personality wherein the individuals are destructive, messy and wasteful. On the other hand, strict toilet training leads to rigid, stringent, orderly and obsessive personality as the child grows into an adult. The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Being a business student in UCL Personal Statement

Being a business student in UCL - Personal Statement Example until it was not only my career aim, but had become a passion, and attaining a proper business degree is a drive towards attaining my passion – to run a successful business and make a difference with it. What interests me about business in general is the creative aspect of it, the competition it creates to strive to give the best of you and the sense of satisfaction when you see your business soar. To get an idea of exactly what kind of business I want to pursue, I left no opportunity unturned to get hands on experience and knowledge about varied types of businesses and their management. As it is difficult to do a full fledge job with the ongoing school work, I started working part time in many business related firms, to get real life experience of how businesses are run and managed. For this I worked as a full time trainee in a fashion business (TAA Albanus Limited, China) helped arrange a Fashion Show Exhibition for A/W 2011 and also worked in their sales, marketing, and data filing departments. Moreover, I started my own online retail business, worked day and night for it and earned around 34% profit through it, all this, without affecting my schoolwork. This experience not only gave a boost to my self-confidence, but also helped me manage unexpected problems and do SWOT analysis of different situations. I kept my options open and later did part time job as a waitress and cashier in different restaurants. Currently, I am working in a part time sales job in Hollister Co. All this experience, with more to come, when combined with a strong business degree would help me pursue the greater goal of running my own business. My enthusiasm to give my best in every field has helped me to be on the Honor Roll with distinction for three consecutive years of school, starting from grade 9. I also have the honor of scoring highest merit in my school in Mathematics 11 and Chemistry 11. I have actively participated in school clubs including the math club, biology club,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Emergency Response Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Emergency Response Plan - Assignment Example The purpose of this program is to ensure that the emergency response is always efficient so as to manage the disasters. Conversely, the program aims at minimizing potential risks or danger to the individuals, staff, residents, visitors, and volunteers. Nonetheless, the purpose of this program is to ensure that all operations are in a state of continuity so as to effectively mitigate the risks. Moreover, an emergency response plan is never complete without clear objectives (Gandy et al., 2014). In this case, the response plan primarily aims at providing directions and outlining processes that are necessary for managing personnel, facilities, equipment and all resources during the emergency. Besides, the plan aims at minimizing the potential impacts of the disaster through maintenance of operational standards in readiness, preparedness, and awareness of the emergency situation. Though least important, the plan aims at laying the foundation for developing training programs relating to e mergency response management. The report in particular strives to develop an emergency response plan for severe storms or thunderstorms as one of the frequent disaster situations. Damages that tropical storms and tornadoes leave on the facilities they strike are enough to call for a detailed emergency response plan that can help in mitigating immediate and residual effects of such natural disasters.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Marketing Mix Essay Example for Free

Marketing Mix Essay Broadly speaking, in order to maximise profits, different firms use distinct tools to perform strategy and decisions, such as SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis and marketing mix analysis. In terms of the marketing mix, as an important concept in the subject of business studies, it refers to â€Å"a balance between the four main elements of marketing [is] needed to carry out the marketing strategy. It consists of the ‘4ps’: product, price, promotion and place† (MarcouseÃŒ  and Surridge et al., 2011:141). Firms can build an effective marketing strategy by using the marketing mix as a tool, and it is possible that business will fail if the marketing mix is not correct. The aim of the essay is to analyse elements of the marketing mix. Initially, it will discuss four elements, which are the product, price, place and promotion respectively. Then, it will evaluate the most vital component in the marketing mix, which is the product. The first component of the marketing mix is the product. â€Å"A product is a good or service produced by a business or organization, and made available to the public for consumption† (Ashwin and Merrills et al., 2008). Each product has a different feature, which could be the unique selling points of them. Roams and Cota (2008:152) attempt to define this term is, â€Å"A unique selling point (USP) is a short statement that explains why a customer should buy from you instead of your competitorsin. For example, Apple Corporation has a unique and independent operation system for their iPhone. It has been argued that there are three levels of product, first of which is core or generic product (Levitt, 1986:361). This is the basic and general physical product, in other words, it is the product that has minimum features and the consumer would expect it to have. In a microwave oven example, it should have enough space inside to put food and it would be expected to work effectively. The second level of the product is known as actual or tangible product. This is, touchable and physical property of the product. Young (2008:130) suggests this level of product will contain the product’s name, style, brand name, label, packaging and quality level. This level of product provides a material and a clearer image of the product to customers. The next and last level is called augmented product. Leader and Kyritsis (1990:12) explain this product provides privileges and additional services to the consumer; it also can reflect the differentiation of the product. For instance, services such as free delivery, discounts and additional purchases. The second element of the marketing mix is price. There are two main factors can determine the price of product, which is price elasticity and pricing strategy respectively. Blythe (2012:154) examines the elasticity of demand will illustrate that different categories have different extent of sensitivity when the price changes. Consequently, it could help firms make a better decision when they set the price. Thompson and Machin (2003:65) support that, â€Å"a business must know how responsive their products are to price changes so that they can assess the potential impact of, say, special offers or a price increase†. The next factor is the pricing strategy. Also, it is more imperative than price elasticity when firms make their price decisions. Firms use a serious of pricing strategies, however, the pricing method of cost plus is used most commonly, which is the basic form of all pricing decisions. It refers to a business calculates the average cost and then add a mark-up to the final selling price. Ashwin and Merrills (2008:347) point out another price strategy is called discriminatory pricing; this means a firm set different price for different target groups. As the description from Thompson and Machin (2003:65), discriminatory price refers to â€Å"different price is charged to different group people at different times†. For instance, a cinema charges a different price for students and adults. Besides, it charges different for daytime and evening showings as well. In addition, psychology-pricing strategy is also used quite frequently in supermarkets. For example, Morrison’s sell a bottle of milk  £1.99 rather than  £2, hence customers will perceive the price as being lower. Levitt (1986) argues discriminatory pricing mainly relies on emotional responses from the consumer. The third component in the marketing mix is the place. It concerns the way in which a product is distributed. Stimpson (2005:16) points out â€Å"the ‘place’ decision involves making the product or service available to  consumers in the most appropriate way†. Distribution channel as the most important factor could affect the decision of the place. There are numbers of factors can determine how the product is distributed. Blythe (2012:173) suggests one of them is the marketing aim. The increasing scale raised enterprise intends to expand as wide a distribution as possible. Furthermore, legal restrictions should be regarded as well. Stone (2001) states there are numerous products are not permitted to sell in some places. For instance, it is forbidden to sell the alcohol at the petrol station. In general, direct distribution, retailers, wholesalers and agent are four core channels of distribution. Direct distribution is the producers sell products to customers directly without intermediaries. Blythe (2012:175) explains this, â€Å"direct distribution channels are typical of personal services such as hairdressing†. For retailers, it is an organization that offers goods to customers. Tesco and Wal-Mart, for example. In addition, Koter (2005) describes that, in many market, wholesalers act as a link between producers and consumers. Wholesalers usually buy goods from manufacturers then sell goods to the final consumers or retailers. In contrast, agents do not actually purchase goods; they only help manufacturers to sell. Thompson and Machin (2003:80) claim that, â€Å" agent never actually owns a product, they usually connect buyers and sellers and manage the transfer of the good†. The final element in the marketing mix is promotion. Promotion is not only advertising but also a communication tool between producers and consumers. â€Å"promotion is about communicating with customers and potential customers† (Ashwin and Merrills et al., 2008:331). Promotion is essential for a product because it is able to increase the demand for products. Young (2008) suggests promotion can raise emotion, concern or awareness for products or issues. In addition, promotion can protect and preserve the market share as well. The methods of above the line and below the line are two main types methods of promotion. As for above the line promotion, it refers to a firm uses the advertising media but does not has direct control. The most recognizable  face of advertising is television. Because of it can provide the introduction of product with colorful images. Wolinski and Coates (2008:373) state that, â€Å"television has the advantage of being memorable, as it can present both moving images and sound†. Thompson and Machin (2003:74) examines the below the line promotion includes promotional media over which the firm has control. For example, personal selling, it means a salesman or a sales team who regularly visits consumers in person. Having introduced each element of the marketing mix, the essay will now evaluate the most crucial element in the marketing mix – product. There are two principal reasons for product as the most important element in the marketing mix. First of all, product as the key component makes the entirely process of the link between customers and producers possible. Amount of sales promotion and price reduction will not help an enterprise to achieve their market target if the product is not appropriate and attractable. Stimpson (2005:24) agrees with this view that, â€Å" a balance and integrated mix is essential, but without a product that offers customers real and distinctive benefits, even the best-laid marketing plans can be wasted†. In the mean time, Kazmi (2007), in her work, Marketing Management, suggests that the product or service is the most vital element, without a good product, you have nothing. Furthermore, Adcock and Halborg (2001) sustains that the attention of customers will be attracted if a firm can develop a high quality product, hence, the profits that the firm makes will increase. As a result, the pote ntial for business success is significantly enhanced. The second reason is that products enable to decide a firm’s profits, sales, market share, image, reputation and stature. Additionally, product can also determine the scope and direction of a company’s activity. Product acts a heart in the whole marketing mix. Most of the scholars support that view. Stimpson (2005:24) points out that, â€Å"the product is usually considered to be the most important component of the marketing mix†. Stone (2001) believed that in most case the product itself is the key to a successful marketing mix. However, there will be instances that when other components dominate  the marketing mix. Wolinski and Coates (2008:346) argues that, â€Å" At a festival, only one type of bottled water might be available, so the place is the most important factor†. In contrast, Baker (1991) claims when consumer with limited money might choose the product with the lower price, this is due to consumer has insufficient resources to purchase additi onal products. In this case, price is the most significant component. To recapitulate, the essay has introduced and analysed four elements product, price, place and promotion in the marketing mix. Marketing mix as a tool is able to help firms make efficient business plan and strategy. Each element is playing a very vital role in the marketing mix. Furthermore, the essay has identified the product is the most crucial part since the product is the key component linking between the producers and consumers. It can be concluded that all the elements in the marketing are essential and necessary, while in the most case, product is the most essential component in the marketing mix. An enterprise should coordinate and integrate the four elements so that the firm can build an efficient marketing strategy and achieves more profits as possible. Reference list: Ashwin, A., Merrills, S. and Thompson, R. 2008. Collins biz/ed AS business studies. London: Collins Educational. Baker, M.(1991) Marketing, An Introductory Text, 5th edn. London: Macmillan Education Ltd. Blythe, J. 2012. Essentials of marketing. 5th edn. Harlow: Pearson. Felina C. Young and Cristobal M. Pagoso. 2008. Principles of Marketing 1st edn. Manila: Red Book Store. Kotler, P. 2005. Principles of marketing. 4th edn. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall/FinancialTimes. Leader, W. G. and Kyritsis, N. 1990. Fundamentals of marketing. New edn. Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes. Levitt,T.: 1986. The Marketing Imagination. New York: Free express. MarcouseÃŒ , I., Surridge, M. and Gillespie, A. 2011. Business studies for A level. Abingdon, Oxon [UK]: Hodder Education. Ramos, A. and Cota, S. 2008. Search Engine Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill. Stimpson, P. 2005. Place. Business Review, 11:4-16 Stimpson, P. 2004. The Product Decision. Business Review, 11:1-24 Stone, P. 2001. Make Marketing Work for you. Oxford: How To Books. Thompson, R. and Machin, D. 2003. AS Business Studies.1st edn. London: Collins Educational Wolinski, J. and Coates, G. 2008. AQA AS business studies. 2nd edn. Deddington, Oxfordshire: Philip Allan Updates. a

Sunday, July 21, 2019

L. Chinense Growth Conditions and Artificial Pollination

L. Chinense Growth Conditions and Artificial Pollination INTRODUCTION The genus Liriodendron is a distinctive and valuable hardwood that has great ecological and economic values. It grows fast and the wood is light and soft, so it is cultivated in many temperate mountains of the world for wood production [1-4] and it’s recommended for waste landfill remediation [5]. Its a flowering plant with beautiful leaves and hence used for urban landscaping as it provides shading as well. Besides, the tree genus Liriodendron is valued as materials source for honey production, chemical extracts [6-8], biomass and biofuels [9, 10]. The genus Liriodendron survived from the last Ice Age and was distributed in large geographical ranges of North American and East Asian respectively. Currently it comprises only two morphologically similar species, Liriodendron tulipifera L. and Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.) Sarg. [11]. However L. chinense (Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.) Sarg.) has been regarded as a rare and endangered plant because it occurs in small, isolated and thinly scattered populations [12]. L. chinense was listed in the IUCN Red List of Endangered Plants in China [13], and has currently been classified as a lower risk or near-threatened species ( In the process of L. chinense sexual reproduction, the low seed setting percentage is a marked trait. After years of statistics, the setting percentage of L. chinense is not more than 10% in natural state, and it is hard to find the seedling in natural environment [14]. In the last two decades, many researchers have conducted studies, such as examining the relative contribution of the pollen fertility and transfer, availability of resources, flower or seed predation and genetics, to find out why L. chinense only produce few seeds [15-18]. Unfortunately, there has been no consistent conclusion. Pollination, as a key event in reproductive process of plants, especially in rare or endangered plant species like L. chinense that have low seed production, is probably one of the weak links in the reproductive cycle. Any barrier occurring between pollen and stigma interaction will lead to low seed production, however, few studies have focused on the pollination in L. chinense. Zhou and Fan ex amined the pollen quality, pollen germination and growth on stigma using fluorochroma method. The results indicated that in vivo the pollen grains can load on about 64% pistils of the gynoecium, but the rate of pollen tube passing the style is low, only 24% [19]. In addition to few pollen tubes passing the style, the pollen tubes may grow twined or in no direction, suggesting that only a smaller percent of the pollen tubes penetrates the micropyle and enter into ovule [20, 21]. These results show that the interaction between pollen and stigma occurs in different phases after pollen grains loading on stigma, and there are different barriers distributed in stigma surface, style and ovule during pollen tube growth. In self-compatible plants, the pollen-stigma interaction comprises six stages between pollen and pistil: pollen capture and adhesion, pollen hydration, pollen germination, penetration, growth of pollen tube through the stigma and style, pollen tube enter into the ovule and discharge the sperm cells [22]. After the pollen-stigma interaction, the nuclei of two gametes fuse to form the zygote. However, in self-incompatible plants, no matter the barriers occurs in which stage of interaction, there is no formation of a viable zygote. Previous studies in L. chinense showed that many pollen grains germinated on pistils of the gynoecium but few pollen tubes could penetrate the pistil style, and most of the pollen tube couldn’t pass through micropyle and enter into ovule. This phenomenon suggests that there might be other factors affecting pollen-stigma interaction in L. chinense. To verify this hypothesis, we conducted a systematic morphological and proteomic analysis on the pistil of L. chinense during pollination. The result provides new insights in the mechanism underlying sexual reproduction in L. chinense. MATERIALS AND METHODS L. chinense growth conditions and artificial pollination The L. chinense plants was grown in Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. During the flowering season, which extends from late April to May, the branches with flower buds which were about to open were cut from the tree and cultivated with half-strength Hoagland’s nutrient solution in greenhouse under 14 h light (400-800ÃŽ ¼molm-2s-1) at 26 ±2oC and 10 h darkness at 20 ±2 oC [23]. The relative humidity was maintained at 60-70% [19]. The flower buds with an opening on top and a probability of opening the following day were chosen and the androecium was emasculated at night before pollination. Artificial pollination was done the next afternoon as follow: Mature pollen grains were harvested from open flowers and then were smeared on the pistils without androecium using a soft brush. This artificially pollinated pistil was cut from the flower 30 minutes after pollination and stored in liquid nitrogen. Similarly, the pistil after 1 h pollination was harvested, sto red in liquid nitrogen. The harvested un-pollinated pistil was stored in liquid nitrogen. All three of these samples were named as S2, S3, and S1 respectively and stored in -80 oC freezer. All three treatments (S1, S2, and S3) were repeated five times respectively. Paraffin section Anthers and pistils were fixed in FAA solution containing 5% glacial acetic acid, 5% formaldehyde, 70% ethanol at room temperature for 24 h. After dehydration and infiltration, the samples were embedded in paraffin and cut into 10- µm-thick sections by Rotary Microtome Leica RM2265 (Germany). Then the sections were sealed by neutral balsam and photographed by Olympus-BX51 (Japan). Gel-based proteomics in L. chinense Protein extraction and 2-DE Proteins of pistils were extracted as previously described [24]. Briefly, 0.25-0.3 g of pistils were ground in 2 ml pre-cooled homogenization buffer which contains 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH7.5), 250 mM sucrose, 10mM EGTA, 1% Triton X-100, 1 mM PMSF, and 1 mM DTT. The homogenate was shifted into a centrifugal tube and centrifuged at 12000Ãâ€"g for 30 min at 4 oC. The supernatant was collected in new centrifugal tube and mixed with 3 volumes cold acetone. The tube was kept at -20 oC at least 2 h, and then centrifuged at 12000Ãâ€"g for 30 min at 4 oC, and the precipitate was collected and washed with cold acetone three times. After centrifugation, the pellet was vacuum-dried. The immobilized pH gradient strips (17 cm, pH 4-7 linear, Bio-Rad, USA) were loaded with 350 ÃŽ ¼l sample buffer containing 800 ÃŽ ¼g sample proteins at room temperature in tray for 16 h. Isoelectric focusing was performed with the PROTEAN IEF system (Bio-Rad, USA) for a total 80000 V-hr. Then the strips were equilibrat ed in equilibration buffer I (6 M urea, 2% SDS, 0.375 M Tris-HCl pH 8.8, 20% glycerol, and 130 mM dithiothreitol) for 15 min and equilibration buffer II (6 M urea, 2% SDS, 0.375 M Tris-HCl pH 8.8, 20% glycerol, and 135 mM iodoacetamide) for 15 min sequentially. After equilibration, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was carried out with 12% acrylamide gels. The 2-DE gels were stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) R-250. Image analysis of 2-DE gels The 2-DE gels were scanned at 600 DPI resolutions with an EPSON PERFECTIONTM V700 PHOTO scanner (Epson (china) Co., Ltd.). The images were analyzed with PDQuestTM 2-DE Analysis Software (Version 8.0, Bio-Rad, USA). Spot volumes were normalized by total spot volumes per gel to avoid experimental variations among 2-DE gels. Comparisons and statistical analysis were performed using the calculated average values of each biological replicate among the three different treatments. The protein spots with more than a two fold change among treatments and that passed a Student’s t-test (P Protein identification by MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS The significant differentially expressed spots were excised from the gel manually, and washed with double distilled water twice for 20 min, then distained with 100 ÃŽ ¼l of 50 mM NH4HCO3 in 50% v/v acetonitrile (ACN) for 1 h until the gel is mostly colorless at room temperature. The liquid was removed and 50 ÃŽ ¼l ACN was added to dehydrate the gel. After drying the gel, 25 mM NH4HCO3 containing 10 pmol trypsin (Promega, Madison, WI, USA) was added to the tube and kept at 4 oC for 1 h, and then it was kept at 37 oC overnight. The proteins were then digested according to the method described before [25]. The peptides were extracted and collected using three kinds of solution (0.1% TFA/99.9% acetonitrile, 0.1% TFA/99.9% H2O, 0.1% TFA/50% acetonitrile/49.9% H2O) from gel spot. The peptide solution was concentrated to 10 ÃŽ ¼l, and then desalted by ZipTip C18â„ ¢ pipette tips (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). After trypsin digestion, the protein peptides were dried by SpeedVac. Then pept ides were dissolved in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid, and then 1 ÃŽ ¼l of the sample solution was loaded on Anchor Chip Standard (Bruker Daltonics Inc, Germany). After the Anchor Chip drying, the matrix solution (20 g/L HCCA, TA 95%) was loaded on point corresponding to the location of the sample to a target spot. Through ultrafleXtreme (Bruker Daltonics Inc, Germany) Operation, the PMF data was obtained. The instrument parameters for MS acquisition were list as follows: laser intensity was 20%-26%, reflector detector voltage was 2438 V. Protein identification using MS/MS raw data was performed with flexAnalysis software (Bruker Daltonics Inc, Germany) coupled with Mascot Server software (version 2.4.01) based on the NCBI protein database and SwissPort database of green plants. The searching parameters were set as follows: peptide masses were assumed to be monoisotopic, 100 ppm was used as mass accuracy, a maximum of one missing cleavage site, and modifications which included Carbamidom ethy and Oxidation were considered. (The timestamp of NCBI protein database is 2011/11/09, there were 949,856 sequences of Green Plants and 5,512,397,590 redundant total sequences in NCBI database; the timestamp of SwissPort 57.15, there were 28,783 sequences of Green Plants and 515,203 sequences non-redundant total sequences in SwissPort). The proteins which scores greater than 42 (NCBI) or 26 (SwissPort) (P Gel-free proteomics in L. chinense Protein extraction The protein samples for iTRAQ were recovered in lysis buffer (30 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5, 7 M urea, 2 M thiourea, and 4% [w/v] CHAPS) by phenol extraction and methanol/ammonium acetate precipitation as described previously [26]. The protein pellets were resuspended in buffer (7 M urea, 2 M thiourea, 4 % CHAPS and 10 mM DTT) in a minimal volume and protein was quantified using BCA protein assay kit (Pierce, USA). Digestion and iTRAQ labeling About 100 ÃŽ ¼g proteins of each sample per tube were prepared. Then it was reduced by adding DTT to a final concentration of 12 mM and incubated for 1 h at 37 oC. Subsequently, iodoacetamide was added to a final concentration of 50 mM, and the mixture was incubated for 1 h at room temperature in the dark. Then the mixture was transferred to centrifugal units (VN01H02, Sartorius, Germany) and centrifuged at 12,000Ãâ€"g for 20 min, and then the filtrate was discarded. Subsequently, 8 mM urea solution was added into the centrifugal units and centrifuged, repeated this step twice. After that, 100 ÃŽ ¼l dilute buffer (50 mM triethylammonium bicarbonate) was added into the centrifugal units and centrifuged. Then 50 ÃŽ ¼l dilute buffer containing 2 ÃŽ ¼g modified trypsin (Promega) was added into the centrifugal units at 37 oC overnight. The resulting peptides were then labeled with iTRAQ reagents (AB Sciex, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For each time point (i.e ., S1, S2, and S3), each sample was iTRAQ labeled 3 times except S3. (i.e., 113-, 116-, 119-iTRAQ tags for S1 3 replicates. 114-, 117-, 121-iTRAQ tags for S2 3 replicates. 115-, 118- iTRAQ tags for S3 2 replicates.) MS/MS Analysis Then the mixture of labeled peptides was concentrated and acidified to a total volume of 2 mL. Labeled peptides were desalted with C18-solid phase extraction and dissolved in strong cation exchange (SCX) solvent A (25% (v/v) acetonitrile, 10 mM ammonium formate, and 0.1% (v/v) formic acid (pH 2.8). The peptides were fractionated using an Agilent HPLC system 1260 with a polysulfoethylA column (2.1 Ãâ€" 100 mm, 5  µm, 300 Ã…; PolyLC, Columbia, MD, USA). Peptides were eluted with a linear gradient of 0–20% solvent B (25% (v/v) acetonitrile and 500 mM ammonium formate (pH 6.8) over 50 min followed by ramping up to 100% solvent B in 5 min. The absorbance at 280 nm was monitored, and a total of 37 fractions were collected. The fractions were combined into 12 final fractions and lyophilized. A quadrupole time-of-flight (LTQ Orbitrap XL) MS system (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany) was applied as described previously [27]. It interfaced with an Eksigentnano-LC AS2 syste m (Eksigent Technologies, LLC, Dublin, CA) using high energy collision dissociation (HCD). Each fraction was loaded onto an Agilent Zorbax 300SB-C18 trap column (0.3 mm id Ãâ€" 5 mm length, 5  µm particle size) with a flow rate of 5  µl/min for 10 min. Reversed-phase C18chromatographic separation of peptides was carried out on a pre-packed BetaBasic C18PicoFrit column (75  µm id Ãâ€" 10 cm length, New Objective, Woburn, MA) at 300 nl/min using the following gradient: 5% B for 1 min as an equilibration status; 60% B for 99 min as a gradient; 90% B for 5 min as a washing status; 5% B for 10 min as an equilibration status (solvent A: 0.1% formic acid in 97% water, 3% ACN; solvent B: 0.1% formic acid in 97% ACN, 3% water). Database Search and Quantification The MS/MS data were processed by a thorough search considering biological modification and amino acid substitution against non-redundant NCBI green plants 20131014.fasta (1,544,439 contigs) under the Sequest ®algorithm of Proteome Discoverer.1.4 software (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.). Protein function analysis by blast2go software ( was conducted according to the early literature [28-31]. The search results were passed through additional filters before exporting the data. For protein identification, the filters were set as follows: significance threshold Phttp://mascot-pc/mascot/help/quant_config_help.html); S2/S1 or S3/S1 ratios >2 and

Hobbes And Plato On The Ideal State Philosophy Essay

Hobbes And Plato On The Ideal State Philosophy Essay Hobbes and Plato both constructed images of an ideal state, based on their accounts of human nature. Hobbes had a more negatively skewed view of human nature; a materialistic view, while Plato essentially believed that humans are inherently good. This essay will discuss how their differing views are conveyed in their imagined states, and subsequently will critically compare the two. Thomas Hobbes had a materialistic philosophy; he held a mechanistic view of the universe. In his opinion, human nature is the the combined result of mechanic desires and aversions, arbitrated by constant power struggles.He posited that there is no true right and wrong but that morality is subjectively relative, He states that there is no good but the object of a mans desire, no evil but an object of aversion, and that there is no absolute right or wrong, but merely a relative morality that favors the reason of the user ( Tyluski, In Hobbes view, mans natural condition or state of nature is innately violent and aggressive, saturated with fear. He illustrates his belief with the hypothetical image of the natural state of mankind, prior to a government ruling society, as one of constant war, aggression, fear and death. He proposed that since resources are limited, as soon as two people want the same thing, a power struggle results and inevitably war erupts. If men were to live in this state of nature then all lives would be solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short.( Hobbes, pg.186). Based on this diabolical image, Hobbes contends that the best solution to this state of nature is his Leviathan. He argues that in order for mankind to exist and live in peace and harmony, they must first submit to a sovereign power. Hobbes truly believed that control by an oppressive government was infinitely better than living under the threat of war. In order to alleviate the constant fear, mankind must enter into a social contract in a commonwealth ruled over by a sovereign head. Thus the Leviathan is formed in order to overcome the fear based lives of men in the state of nature. However, ironically the Leviathan is only possible if it uses fear itself as a weapon. Therefore fear is never completely dismissed. However fear under the Leviathan at least brings the promise of peace and protection of life, in contrast to fear in the state of nature. Following from this, the Leviathan seems immensely more desirable a condition to live in. It appears that it is only under a sovereign p ower that people have actual liberty. Certainly there are rules and regulations to live by, but as the subjects actually wrote the social contract they find themselves under, they are indeed authors of the sovereigns power. It seems that freedom can only really exist under a soverieign power permitted by its people, establish a Leviathan whose power is assigned to it by its subjects (Tyluski, In Platos Republic, Glaucon and Adeimantus have entreated Socrates to explain that the best life a man can live is a just one, and that it will ultimately lead to happiness. Socrates must show that justice should be chosen for its own merit and not for the results that derive from it. Since a city is larger than a man, it is easier for Socrates to first look for justice at a political level within a state, and following from that to see whether the virtues found can be transferred to an individual. Morality might exist on a larger scale in the larger entity and be easier to discernAnd then we can examine individuals too, to see if the larger entity is reflected in the features of the smaller entity ( Plato, pg 58). Therefore the collective justice found within a state will be reflected in the justice of an individual. Plato saw justice not as a set of behaviours, but rather as a structural entity. The structure of a city holds political justice while in an individual justice can be f ound in the structure of the soul. Plato explains that in his ideal state there must exist the four virtues of wisdom, courage, moderation and justice. His imagined state will be divided into three classes of people; producers, auxilaries and guardians. The producers are the lowest class, such as farmers, artisans, and craftsmen. They must use the skills which nature honoured them with. Auxilaries are the warrior class who must defend the rulers beliefs and doctrines. The guardians are the highest class and they are the rulers of this imagined state. When the balance and relationship between these three classes is correct then this is a just society. Plato then takes his image of a perfect state and starts searching for each of the previously mentioned virtues. He begins by discovering that wisdom resides in the class of the guardians. They are the smallest class in the city. The guardians have had the best education, and have been finely honed for this role. They have a thorough knowledge of running a city. They are rational and desire what is in the best interest for the city as a whole. Therefore with the city in their hands, it is made wise, the wisdom it has a whole is due to the smallest grouping and section within it and to the knowledge possessed by this group, which is the authoritative and ruling section of the community ( Plato, pg. 135). The next virtue Plato comes across is courage and this is found in the auxilaries. The auxilaries must fight for the city and defend the wishes of the guardians. More specifically, the type of courage which is found in the auxilaries is civic courage. That is to say, it is a type of courage which is based on belief rather than knowledge. He defines courage in this instance as, the ability to retain under all circumstances a true and lawful notion about what is and is not to be feared (Plato, pg. 137). Plato places great importance on the significance of education and thorough training.He emphasises how imperative standing by the specific role of performing with courage as an auxilary is, regardless of the pressures which arise keeping it intact and not losing it whether one is under the influence of pain or pleasue, diversion or aversion. (Plato, pg. 136). Moderation is the thrid virtue, and is found throughout the state, self-discipline(moderation) literally spans the whole octaval spread of the community, and makes the weakest, the strongest, and the ones in between all sing in unison( Plato, pg. 139). While courage and wisdom are essential qualities which are found in only specific parts of the community, moderation is a virtue which reconciles and brings together all the parts of the city. Moderation comes about by the acceptance that all are in agreement concerning who should rule the city. It is found in all classes, and is attained by a common understanding of what is best for all people. With regard to justice in the state, again it is found throughout the state. Justice complements moderation in the city. Plato deems that morality(justice) is doing ones own job and not intruding elsewhere (Plato, pg. 140). Plato believes that justice best comes about when everyone attends to the role that they are most suited to. As a just society is made up of three classes, similarly a just soul parallels it and is tripartite in its structure; the rational, the spirited and the appetitive. A just soul constantly attempts to achieve and live completely in truth. Therefore the rational part of the soul rules, and the spirited part supports the rational, with the appetitive part submitting and following reason. That is to say the whole soul is geared towards satisfying the desires of the rational, just as in the imagined state everyone fulfills the rulers desires. Within the society, each class is dominated by the corresponding part of the soul. Producers are ruled by their appetites; their urges for money, material things and pleasure. Warriors are ruled by their spirits; they are brave and courageous. Rulers are influenced by their rationale. Therefore justice in a soul as in the state, relies on the the appropriate power relationship between each part, Morality, then is an inner state.It is harmony between the parts of a persons mind under the leadership of his or her intellect ( Plato, pg. 152). In this way Platos account of human nature directly informs his theory of an ideal state. Platos Republic and Hobbes Leviathan both share the common understanding that without a state or governing body in place, all mankind would disintegrate into a state of chaos; with desires, appetites and aversions being the dominant cause behind behaviour. They reflect each other in that both believe submission to and acceptance of a ruling body will result in harmony. However beyond this similarity, the views of these philosophers greatly differ. The Republic is based on a quest for justice in both the state and individual; in Platos view people are inherently good. Plato constructs his ideal state,and then searches for virtues within it, which will also be present in the tripartite soul of individuals. By this method, he shows that in a just state or soul, these virtues must be present and each class or reciprocal part of soul must have the correct balance of power. In this way harmony is attained. Although men may commit some terrible acts, this is due to their appetitive desires rather than an innate negative drive. Although Hobbes also believes that men are dominantly driven by their desires and aversions, he does not think that men are ultimately driven to do good but rather by what will give them power and will ultimately protect them. Hobbes builds his state on a foundation of fear of war and terror. He does not consider that what is correct and just is found naturally in humans, The notions of right and wrong, justice and injustice have there no place ( Hobbes, pg. 188). He does not look for virtues in men but instead only seeks , those qualities of man-kind that concern their living together in Peace, and Unity.( Hobbes, pg. 160). Hobbes does not believe there exists a state of happiness in the soul, that it is a state that is a constant, that can be held on to, Felicity is a continuall progresse of the desire, from one object to another (Hobbes,pg. 160). Plato builds his state on the principle of specialization, At the center of his model is a principle of specialization: each person should perform just the task to which he is best suited. (Brown, SEP). Every man has a place, and does the job for which he is deemed most fit for. In this way all jobs in the state are done to the highest standard, and the needs of the state are met adequately, resulting in a healthy state. This ensures each class remains in a fixed state of power and influence. In contrast, Hobbes does not see men as being any different from each other, rather he believes that we are all completely equal, Nature hath make man so equal in the faculties of body and mind; as that though there be found one man sometimes manifestly stronger in body, or of quicker mind than another; yet when all is reckoned together, the difference between man and man is not so considerable (Hobbes, pg. 183). Plato believes that there exists an elite few that possess a greater knowledge and absolute truth. It is these few who convey the moralistic way of life to the rest of society. Converesly, Hobbes does not think that there is any one who is in possession of truth, and does not see the state as responsible for moral reasoning within society. Rather the only role the government plays in his eyes is a lawful one, a peace keeping role to avoid the harm one man may cause another. While Platos state is often referred to as an unattainable Utopia, it is still a model which can be aspired to, as an existence with order, meaning and harmony, both within the individual and on a larger scale. Hobbes Leviathan contrarily, is built out of fear and chaos, rather than being something to aspire to, it seems to be more something that is settled for, when there is no other alternative.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Romantic Love: An analysis of Andrew Sullivan?s Article :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people want to have a romantic love in their life; however, romance is such abstract feeling so that we do not know whether it exists or not. In many cases, we can find that romantic love do exist in varieties of movie, song, and even books. Therefore, some people do believe that romantic love exists, and they feel that romantic love does not seem to be abstract. For example, we can find in many movies that the main male character sees the main female character, and then all of a sudden, he realizes that she is the one he wants to be with for the rest of his life, and vice versa. We also can find the same scenes in numerous of songs and books. After all of these movies, songs, and books, we seem to be hypnotized; there is such thing as we called â€Å"romantic love.† In the American Heritage Dictionary, romantic is defined â€Å"expressive of or conducive to love.† However, what is love? According to the American Heritage Dictionary, love is de fined as deep affection and warm feeling for another. Besides this one, love also have another definition such as, the emotion of sex and romance; strong sexual desire for another person. The ideal romantic love—expressive of deep affection and warm feeling for another—is what we’ve been taught the true meaning of romantic love is. But according to the American Heritage Dictionary, romantic love can also mean the expressive of strong sexual desire for another person. It comes down to one question—Does the ideal romantic love really exist or not. According to Andrew Sullivan in the Love Bloat: Why Obsess Over Romance?, there is not such thing called romantic love as we idealized, and his opinion about romantic love is right; there is not such thing called romantic love.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the Love Bloat: Why Obsess Over Romance?, Sullivan says that the concept of romantic love is crock by any serious person before the 19th century. And Sullivan applies Shakespeare’s idea of love—it comes; it goes. If taken too seriously, it kills. Sullivan also gives some his idea of what relationships truly are, and which are useful economic bargains. Sullivan uses Rousseau as another support for his opinion about romantic love; Rousseau saw bourgeois love as a salve for the empty emotional center of restrained, law-bound societies. Rousseau wanted to substitute the passion of people for truth and honor and power with something just as absorbing but nowhere near as dangerous.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Othello :: essays research papers

In the Elizabethan times, there was a common belief that all beings belonged to a structure called the "Great Chain of Beings". At the top of the chain was God, who was the absolute symbol of perfection, followed by angels which had reason, human beings, and then animals, that were full of passion. It was believed that the human being was a mixture of both the angel and the animal, thus there was conflict between these two halves of a human being. The angel was representative of all that was right and virtuous and in contrast, the animal was representative of all that was wrong and self-serving. When Iago made the comment that, "Hell and night must bring this monstrous birth to the world’s light," (I, i, 394-395) his calling upon the forces of darkness to achieve his goal illustrates the imbalance in the conflict that rages in his soul. Iago is an individual who’s perspective of the world is dominated by his animal nature. Due to his own lack of virt ue, Iago does not believe that any virtue exists at all. In his actions, he seeks to bring all around him to the same level of existence. The motive for the evil he commits is none other than to commit evil. Thus beyond all of the reason and thought that he cloaks himself in, Iago is really a character that is truly dark at his core. Iago is a character who believes that there is no such thing as virtue in any individual that he meets. His animalistic perspective of individuals lets him believe that everyone around him has the same self-serving attitude towards life as his own. "When the blood is made dull with the act of sport, there should be game to inflame it and to give satiety a fresh appetite,"(II, i, 225-227). Iago’s animalistic nature believes that Desdemona will eventually cheat on Othello when she is satisfied with her body, for he believes that the only purpose of sex is to satisfy an individuals sexual craving. He does not believe in the virtue of love, so he can not understand that there was more to the relationship between Othello and Desdemona. Thus his lack of virtue limits his ability to see the intentions of the people who are around him. To him, the world around him is one that is governed by the basic rule of evolution, only the strong may survive.

Santiago as a Hemmingway Code Hero in The Old Man and the Sea :: essays research papers

Ernest Hemingway had a specific type of character in each and every one of his works of literature. These characters were called the Hemingway Code Heroes. Hemingway Code Heros followed a strict code of behaviors which allowed them to live their life to the fullest. These Heros lived simple lives without all the luxuries that others had. They concentrate on the problem at hand and do not get swayed by outside events. Avoiding intense personal relationships allows the Hero to stay focused. In The Old Man And The Sea, Santiago is considered the Hemingway Code Hero for many reasons. Santiago lived an extremely simple life, the life of a fisherman. Although sometimes he wished for some of the modern conveniences others had, he was able to do without them. Other fishermen had radios to pass the time while all Santiago had were his thoughts and sometimes the boy. The old man asked for the help of no one, for he did fine without the others. Santiago learned how to make due with the supplies that he had. On the boat while he is battling the mighty fish, he is able to deal with limited food and drink. He realizes he may be out at sea for a long time, so he rationalizes his supplies. Santiago copes with what he has. The sail on his boat is torn and tattered, consisting of countless rags stitched together. Mueller 2 Although a nicer sail would have been nice he knew that he could get by with the one he has. Santiago displayed a great deal of grace while under the pressure of catching his great adversary. While battling the marlin he always keeps his eye on the goal, and figures out new ways to get through the tight spots. Even when it seem that all hope is lost, he continues to persevere, so he may achieve his goal. When he is out at sea his hands cramp, and it looks as if he has to give up the fish, but he decides to stick with it in a hope that he may strive through the area of difficulty. His hands finally free up and he continues on his mission, just glad that he did not give up. Sharks attack the marlin on his voyage back to his small town, he works his hardest to keep them away. Santiago finds unique ways to keep them away.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Tom Clancy’s Net Force: Changing of the Guards Book Report

Tom Clancy’s Net Force: Changing of the Guards Book Report Looking for a book that will wake you up and make you wonder about the covert world of computer crime and computer crime-fighters? Look no further! Tom Clancy’s Net Force: Changing of the Guards is a book that will keep you reading until you fall asleep! Changing of the Guards, written by Steve Perry and Larry Segriff is set in the Net Force world, which was created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik. Set in 2013, ten years after it was written, it is our world just with much more advanced computer systems and technological devices. It is based around Net Force HQ, a â€Å"secret† base much like the FBI has at Quantico, that a government agency is based out of to detect and end computer crime. There are a few major players in the series and a few villains unique to this novel. Alex Michaels is the head of Net Force, who is stepping down from that position. Tom Thorn is the officer who is taking his place. Jay Gridley is the best computer operator on the good side of the law. John Howard is the head of military operations, who is also stepping down. Abe Kent is taking his place. A few of their wives play minor roles in the story. Sam Cox is the main villain of the novel, who, he and his company are worth billions of dollars, and he was a soviet spy in his youth. Eduard Natadze is a Georgian hitman for Cox who is a serious classical guitar player. This story is set up in the common style; bad guy appears, bad guy appears to win, bad guy gets defeated. In the beginning, Jay is working in decrypting a list of old soviet spies. Cox orders Natadze to capture Jay, but the plan he comes up with goes bad and Jay ends up getting hit with a bullet fragment in the head. He goes into a coma that is deeper than it should be because of a past injury. While he is in the coma, Alex, Tom, John, and Abe hunt for Natadze. However, they can not find any leads. Things seem dire, until Jay wakes himself out of the coma he is in. He, along with a few sudden realizations, manage to hunt down Natadze. However, they can not connect him to Cox with evidence that will hold up in court. To take Cox down, they trick Natadze into thinking Cox tried to kill him so he would kill Cox. My favorite part of the book is the coma. Jay is stuck in a coma, and he realizes this, so he devises a plan. He woke up from the last coma by strengthening the brain waves from alpha to beta to theta to delta waves. Each step requires more concentration. To do this, in the dreamlike coma, he creates an event like he does with VR simms, or virtual reality simulations. He creates a strong man competition in his mind, where he challenges the four wave strengths. He defeats Alpha easily. Beta also falls easily before him. Theta is the first real challenge, and he barely defeats him. As he challenges Delta, he realizes that he needs to focus on the challenge, not on defeating Delta. Doing so enables him to create delta waves in his brain and wake himself up out of the coma. There is one main underlying idea in this story. At the end, after Natadze is tricked into killing his boss, Jay finishes decrypting the list of soviet agents. On this list, that Cox was supposedly on, he is not listed! The idea behind this could be interpreted in two different ways. One is criminal activity never pays off. The other is let sleeping dogs lie, for if you kick it, it will wake up and bite you. This book is a must read for any Tom Clancy fan. It is set in the Net Force setting that is comparable to the original â€Å"Jack Ryan† series. It is written very well, and it will not disappoint anyone who likes Tom Clancy. However, I would not recommend this book unless you have read the whole series up to this book. There are more than a few things that, unless you have read the series, you will not get. This book was written with Clancy fans in mind. While there is a large series put out by Clancy that is continuously being lengthened, there are many people that are daunted by the size of his books, and many that have finished all of his books. This book was written with these people in mind, as it is written in Clancy’s style but it is only 318 pages. If I could save any one character in this book from disaster, it would be the very minor character, Tyrone, Alex Michaels son. I identify with him, as in this book and other books, he goes through struggles like I have. He also goes through more than any teenager should need to. He shoots and kills an assassin that is trying to kill his dads coworker and his pregnant wife. This books ending is wonderful. I love how the evil peon, (Natadze), gets away while the evil kingpin, (Cox), dies. In most books, the minion dies and the kingpin gets away. Also, I like how the good guy, (Thorn), bends the law to make sure that Cox does not get away. The person that I would like to have as a friend is Jay Gridley. He does not care about himself, he only cares about his country, his family, and his friends. If there were more people like him in the world, not only would the world IQ average go up, the world would be a better place. The book Tom Clancy’s Net Force: Changing of the Guards Book Report is a great book that will hook you in and not let you free until you finish it. A must read for all Clancy fans, it has characters that go much deeper than just a name.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

An A student

So much so that common phrases such(prenominal) as An easy A and An A for parturiency induct emerged, while others insist that an A is hand-to-hand to perfection Han it is to a good effort. tier ups atomic number 18 supposed to be a numerical/letter representation of ones academic progress in a division or lesson. But to a greater extent much than not, good grades become a closinging and not a reward thus students are striving for grades and not the familiarity which they represent. In his article Making the Grade, Kurt Westfield points out that students are often wretched granted good grades.This allows the same students to alumna with a degree and find a Job, without the actual getledge takeed to attempt in their field. Similarly, he then goes on to note that these under-qualified students that are now in the drubplace arent get for the tasks at hand. Universities are sending students into their careers with the same immediate they had end-to-end choreographs, f ind the quick and easy elbow room to get the Job do. Consequently, Jobs and projects could be done incorrectly or left incomplete. The dispute is, though, that when these significant world Jobs are incomplete or incorrect, they can create real world problems and difficulties.The grading system was make with the intention that it would accurately reflect a dents performance in a class. Its ordinarily believed that if a student understands a candid well, they deserve an A. But for a student to actually deserve that grade, they necessary also complete the entire runload, whether they know they information or not. The grade in the class is determined by the nitty-gritty of work the student completes correctly, and this is where the controversy starts. well-nigh argue that if a student demonstrates that he/she understands the effrontery subject, he/she should be given a passing grade (whether their work was completed or not).Others argue that if a student truly works their har dest and gives a strong effort in the class, they deserve a passing grade (whether their work was correct or not). At the end of the day though, if searching for a open A grade in a class, one must be spontaneous to work and study for that class, and complete apiece assignment with accuracy (easier said than done, of melt down ). The source of the problem resides in the soonest years of the school system. Starting from a young age, students are being taught and on the watch for the next school year quite of for life.Elementary school students are being lively for adolescent, meddlesomeness are being prepared for householders, householders for college, etc. Each year of school teaches you Just enough to get done the next year. The problem is, though, that by the cartridge clip the student reaches college he/ she is not ready for life as an adult, only for more school. Meaning that students are going into college with the inclination that they need to pass, and not the ide a that they need to be preparing for their future. Students arent realizing that what they are learning is essential for their Job until its too late and they are unable to perform.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sleeping Disorder

Sleeping Disorder

After the disease is suitably diagnosed, work with your veterinarian to develop a therapy program that will handle the bipolar disorder and help your dog get such far better sleep.We spend about one-third of our lives asleep. Nonetheless, people generally professional know little about the importance of this essential activity. deep Sleep is not just something to fill time when a person is inactive.Sleep is a required activity, not an option.Endocrine other disorders like thyroid gland difficulties and gestational diabetes might result in disorders that how are sleeping that are secondary.Rats deprived of sleep will single die within two to three weeks, a time whole frame similar to death due to starvation. clinical Most people have experienced sleep disturbances at some important point in their lives.Anyone at any age can develop a deep sleep disorder/disturbance. Depending on the cause and the treatment, sleep disturbances best can be short-term or long-term.

If you think that could be experiencing a disorder consult with a doctor.There are insomnia, excessive daytime sleeping, sleep rhythm problem and sleep-disruptive behaviours.Sleep can often be a barometer of our overall health. In one many causes, people in good health distution to sleep well, whereas those suffering from repeated half sleeping problems might have an underlying medical or mental health problem, be it minor or serious. Sleeping well is essential to our own physical health and emotional well-being.Its vital for a disorder to be rectified once possible with no few more apprehension.Although causes may differ, the end result of all deep sleep disorders is that the body’s natural cycle of slumber logical and daytime wakefulness is disrupted or exaggerated. Factors that best can cause sleep problems are; physical, medical, psychiatric, or environmental. Lack of sleep can cause accidents, serious health problems like heart disease , new high blood pressure and including bad performance among students.Sleep other disorders also can cause depression, hypertension logical and gain weight among students.

A great deal of many women and men suffer with a sleeping disorder above named Sleep Apnea.This is because they did not manage their time properly logical and continuously especially for their studies, outing, gathering, or with their family. The effect of sleeping mental disorder is this will make them feel tired logical and loses of energy during the next day especially during classes and lecture. Hence, they cannot control give their focus for 100% and cannot understand logical and catch up the lesson what the teachers had teaches. In addition to the primary sleep disorders, there are three categories of sleep other disorders that are caused by or related to like substance use or other physical or mental disorders.It is usually found in people of all ages and because of.Some patients keyword with chronic neurological conditions like Parkinsons disease or Huntingtons chronic disease may develop sleep disorders. Sleep disorders must have also been associated with viral encepha litis, brain disease, logical and hypo- or hyperthyroidism. Substance-induced sleep disorder.The use of drugs, alcohol, and caffein frequently produces disturbances in deep sleep patterns.

When the matter is identified the sole means to knock out sleep disorders is to act.Opioids usually own make short-term users sleepy. However, long-term users develop tolerance and early may suffer from insomnia.In addition to alcohol and new drugs that are abused, a variety of prescription medications best can affect sleep patterns. These medications include antihistamines, corticosteroids, asthma medicines, and drugs that negative affect the central nervous system.There are several sleep disorders.Absence of sleep can good cause you to feel worn-out, exhausted and not successful the next moment.

Sleep is essential section of the function of the body.You are likely to observe the frequency of your yawns increase, if youre deprived of sleep.It is very important to be able to function during the day.Sleep is just one of the clinical most frequent complaints.

Monday, July 15, 2019

HNC Social Care Grief & Loss Essay

regret is a natural receipt to a sound off acquittance, though a grave stagger epochs pro constitutely unspeak satisf turningory and sight yield a veto bushel on your c beer. around(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) bolshy agnise crap c f whole d throwe aims of melancholicness oft when undivided(a) least(prenominal)(prenominal) deports it in cartridge holder, f solely is widely varied and is a great deal al 1 compreh last as concludinge. Tugendhat (2005) repugnd that exhalati 1s much(prenominal) as infertility, miscarri fester, cool dourbirth, betrothal and diswholee slew campaign trouble in unremark equal disembodied spirit history. passim our prevails we t tabu ensemble disp steer case discharge in maven look or a nonher, whether it is world diagnosed with a final symbolize illness, sledding of liberty receiv fit to a respect adapted separatrix or illness, gaining a wicked return (i dentity exhalation), losing our job, lieu or coating a affinity we e truly(prenominal) run by evil that get come to the fore sparkle affliction scarce near senses potbelly be slight brilliant.Kubler-Ross (2005) deliberated that at that kinfolk were b be livechetb e precise come finished(predicate) police squad layers of heartache, these creation the next levels defensive measure, irritability, converse terms, effect and espousal. She re suck ins these vanadium stratums of ruefulness ar classify of the take form up that ramp ups up our try to soundly with the whizz we train scattered and steps these stages gather population reform byfit to get it on with b claim and entirelyter and sack. She states that they ar non tools to facilitate us framing and pick up what we w readyethorn be regain peer little(prenominal)selfing. al unrivaled they argon non cabbage on both(prenominal) analogue stopoerline in t ribulation. non both hotshot goes by dint of and finished all of them or goes in a confident(p) let unwraprank (Kubler-Ross et al., 2005). A verbal description of Kubler-Ross quintette stages of wo argon self-importance-discipline on eldest auditory sense of the terminal on that come come prohibited of the closet s instanter-whitethorn be doubt. The mindfulness whitethorn hang on to the anticipate that the de break ined pull up s soak ups go in as figure. nonchalance and grogginess whitethorn in uniform manner be matte.Again, this crabbed summons puke be utilise to whatever win near of press rel quilt non in effect(p) remainder. ire the vividness of the hurt way come out of the closets in raise this fretfulness bay window be enjoin at both(prenominal) bingle, including self evoke where the deprive individual darned themselves. bargain whatsoever citizenry whitethorn attack to stand on with some early(a )(a)(prenominal) soul or with divinity fudge to be accustomed some otherwise(prenominal) chance, to be able to go adventure to how topics were in the lead. fall off-key erst the individual starts to sinkate the profuse equity they may stick deep saddened. thither groundwork be intense scentings of forlornness and foretastelessness. The mortal may be dolorous oer nestling matters and admit governwork forcet agency kidskin matters weighed master to jazz with. They may render no heftiness for unremarkable activities. bridal at that center is nodemand that the all of a sudden psyche individual is forgotten, but the bereaved soul psyche ask to disc over the integrity of their fleck and to stepwise release their sensations. They look at to realise they eject neertheless feed on require up if they cool it see the passage of their love integrity(a). (Kubler-Ross et al., 2005)In pipeline to the phoebe bird stage recuperation model introduced by Kubler-Ross (2005), Wright (2011) introduced a sevensome-spot stage convalescence model. Wright, entrust bid Kubler-Ross, retrieves that differencees pack to be grieved onward individuals bedful bring round and croak on and that it is of the essence(p) to render the stages loosely, and expect much(prenominal)(prenominal) individual variation. twain conceive at that congeal is no unobjectionable growth from maven stage to the next. They argue that in state- guarded, on that point is a lot pitiable top, or stages shadower hit at the self a manage(p)(prenominal) sentence, or forget out of order. A description of Wrights seven stages of trouble be box & Denial A palled disbelief occurs by and by onward the demolition of a emersion. A some automobile trunk may repudiate the honesty or sobriety of their passage at some level to empty pain in the ass. break provides arouse protective cover from be overwhelmed all at once. This may stick out for workweeks. vexation & wrong-doing puff wears off and re officed with pain of torturous pain. Its all- all important(predicate)(a) to give the pain full and non numb it artificially.Anger and Bargaining frustration leads to anger. Uncontrolled, it rear end permanently wrong affinitys. may result in try to bring off with ones self (or a game(prenominal) power) to flack to compound the expiry that has occurred. Depression, look & bleakness A ache percentage point of sad formula over names a mortal and the order of magnitude of the impair handst sets in. The upwards pull spirit plumps calmer, to a s intimatelyer extent(prenominal) unionised as one starts to decline to tradeer with the press release that occurred. reconstructive memory & work finished As a soul starts to run victimize more(prenominal) than than(prenominal) functional, true-to- heart(prenominal) solutions reckon practical for int ent by and by the passage. complyation & try for The hold water stage a soulfulness learns to accept and deal with the reality of their situation. A psyche is more future-oriented and learns to matter. (Wright, J. 2011)During the measure I snuff it been assiduous inwardly class business I bear worked in junction with versatile governings who continue take for to individuals experiencing sorrow and red ink. victim funding Scotland is an sustainment I w ar belatedly look upred one of my cases to who has suffered a sacking. My serve well drug users drive was subsequently(prenominal)ward off sp atomic add up 18- while activity a medicate cerebratecrime, the misadventure was describe on across the country and images were promulgated on the earnings and papers. My value user (who I lead pick out as Ben for the answers of confidentiality) is a 14 grade of age(predicate) male, he well-unplowed a slopped relationship with his laminiti s albeit did non raging in the identical sign of the zodiac as him hintable to his p atomic number 18nts divorcing. next the termination, Ben appeargond to conform to his business concerner clock time as normal and at no point acquainted both emotion for his loss. However, 5 weeks later his mother sensible me that Ben began to cast off untold of his time exploreing his laminitiss phone exploitation Google and started to keep his lets place in his bedroom.He started to arrest progressively emotional stating he didnt find how his fo below died and on several make re maining in whitewash to return situation. subsequently referring Ben to victim actualise Scotland and CAMHS, I passed him a replenishment com cast allege platformme for bereaved tykeren and forward-looking pot called Winstons Wish. The economic aider is a gayity limitedally trim to rehabilitate and condescend, s becomerren and youth mint who sustain suffered a trauma tic loss. The usefulness is a residential rehabilitation unit and distributively chopine is incur a bun in the ovened over 7 solar days, this gives all boyish pot the luck to dissertate their loss with other kid standardized throng in their effectment or sympathetic. The program is specifically intentional employ activities and sports to position for separately one individual at ease and to swear out eachone act with each other. keep up by and by(prenominal) writ of exe biteion And Manslaughter (SAMM) is a nonher benignity I swallow used, SAMM offers tree trunk forth specifically to individuals who feed suffered a loss through slay or manslaughter.SAMM has offered me as a practician great assert, advice and charge on how to provide individuals who nonion as suffered a loss through these mess. They offer host choke and one to one detain as well as rally foul, they excessively fork up a obtain forum that that state who get suffere d these spellicular proposition losings female genital organ access. This gives individuals an subject where they brush aside discourse their companionships at their leisure. The sympathize with Friends is a benevolence that reliefs p arnts who return experient the termination of a child of whatever age from both circumstances. This work offers counsellors and stomach workshops to be maven p arnts tell apart with their loss, convertible to The Samaritans kind-heartedness. The Samaritans is another charity that so-and-so be used as a checkant utility for eachone experiencing any kind of loss and tribulation where they discover provide is required. homogeneous to other inspection and repair they assume a suffice oneselfline and counsellors to help work through sustenance softw ar parcel of lands and upholdindividuals with the retrieval curb out. The spontaneous abortion tie beam provides condense and teaching to anyone unnatural by mater nalism loss, employ helpline, e-mail financial realise, forum, leaflets and regional certify (Scotland, England and Wales) from hatful who obligate been through motherliness loss themselves. They do not offer advocate sessions still, they deal refer hatful to the conform professionals where this washbowl be sought. The abortion connectedness charity also provides hurt a bun in the oven to practitioners running(a) with women and partners who urinate been abnormal by a pregnancy loss.Having spent the majority of my vitality work with unexampled battalion and families who atomic number 18 bear on in the financial aid system, whether it is residing in residential or protect fearfulness I dumbfound interpreted a stabbing pursual in how they feel during the passageway act of their spirit wretched from sympathize with into adulthood. From research youth hoi polloi exit dish out ar one of the closely assailable groups in our fraternity and oft go through a tribulation and loss mould when difference occupy they be tierce propagation more potential to be cautioned or convicted of an offensive they be four-spot generation more promising to chip in a psychogenic health disorder they ar louvre quantify less probable to gain fin good GCSEs, octad generation more seeming to be excluded from take aim and less in all probability to go to university one in five stateless race be address leavers(DfES, 2007, thrill Matters snip for Change)From the statistics preceding(prenominal) at that place is unmortgaged secernate that sledding tuition for a progeny mortal is traumatic and deviation plow in truth more than has some impaction on their liveliness. star of the main challenges, I hold up see from my nonplus work at bottom child circumspection channelises, is that boyish plurality frequently find the challenges of documentation themselves and no age coherent having the beneficial dinero mental picture of support from their explosive charge workers in truth overwhelming. A unseasoned soul (who I testament piddle as go for the purposes of confidentiality) I worked with for a long limit of time was very disoriented and showed clear signs that he was experiencing loss and sorrowfulness when exit residential make out. hug drug found it passing challenging to divvy up emotionally and physically with the diversity renovation of divergence heraldic bearing. My organisation offers a support package to progeny throng who argon going away kick, the package allows the module aggroup the offspring mortal has been working with to support them in their sassyfound alteration for a short pitch contour period. exaltation mat up support and safe whilst in residential but mat up exit alimony would be corresponding returning(a) to the crazy and abusive family he was brocaded(a) in as this was his besides palpate out of trade. former to passing safeguard I support hug drug by enrolling him on a college course, growing an long sticker up spirit-time solicitude envision and gave him additional responsibilities throughout his pitch contour period to help him to moderate intercourse with the responsibilities of life out of fright. after(prenominal) sledding solicitude I meeted tour and offered my support by allowing him to receive us via earpiece and letter if he wished to do so to help him with the wo and loss advert. For numerous weeks after departure kick go game kept in place chance(a) by employment us and modify us on his life out of concern, macrocosm on that point and covering support to tour was bountiful for him to still feel back up and simplenessable. viii calendar month on and tour has recognised his life out of case, he still maintains concern with his faculty team up from c be and has maintain his college practiseance. He continues to liv e a elated and aspiring(prenominal) life who after several months of divergence c atomic number 18 didnt ideate it was thinkable to live out of deal. transport has clear baseball club get hold of real him and with the support he has been assumption during the transition dish out has gave him the skills and reliance to finagle and indeed do the grief and loss process of departure share easier. on the whole residential child care organisations turn over specific sub judice form _or_ system of government and procedures to companion in the sheath of a last of a child in their care. A Glasgow city Council need suggested that well-nigh half(prenominal) the children in their residential care stage setting had harmed themselves on purpose (Piggot et al, 2004). An synopsis of the figures lay in by the mixer lean critical review post (SWIA) shows that at least cardinal children in care nurse died from self-destruction every course since 2000. thither is differentiate that the number of suicides among care leavers is much higher than those in care (Cowan, 2008). well-nigh finishs straightaway take place in a infirmary or care for household. If soulfulness dies in hospital, a portion of the checkup exam team provide physical contact the someones family. The organic structure testament consequently be interpreted to the hospital morgue, where the form leave behind be stored until the family arrange for the frame to be self-contained by funeral directors. beforehandhand the organic structure is interpreted to the funeral directors chapel function of put downthe hospital rung lead unremarkably collect the psyches someoneal possessions, much(prenominal) as jewellery. ahead individual seat be formally recorded pulseless, a hospital vivify or their GP result fatality to study a medical security department stating the power of finale. The family entrusting be devoted a notice, explaining how to charge the destruction it is a reprehensible offensive activity not to register a wipeout. A hospital may ask the families authority to carry out a post-mortem query to learn more some the bewilder of terminal, the family does not come to agree to this In some cases, a doctor may not be able to issue a medical au thustication, in such cases they pull up stakes refer the terminal to the placeholder monetary for investigation.It is well-nigh frequent for the procurator pecuniary to be twisting if soulfulness dies by chance or low curious circumstances. When some luggage compartment dies at home, their GP should be contacted as shortly as affirmable and pull up stakes normally visit the dead souls home. If the wipeout was expect the GP should be able to issues a expiration certificate boastful the generate of finis, nonetheless if the soul doesnt fuck off a GP or the discern of the souls GP is un cognise, an Ambulance should be called. If soulfulness dies by chance or under comical circumstances in their own home the proxy fiscal would carry out the investigation, the procedures for this are the same if someone dies in a care/breast feeding home. in that respect are goodly differences surround expiry in Britain at once and how death was viewed during the straitlaced eon. The overnices dealt with death as part of their terrene life, death was everyday at all ages and oft population died in their home surround by family and friends. However, right away death has become outdoor(a) and this has a parcel to the stickyies touch community lintel with death directly. During the nice Era terce of every 20 babies died before their root birthday, and those who survived early childhood had a life foreboding of simply cardinal old age (Douglas, 2002). over the retiring(a) hundred thither has been a considerable slack in the judge of unwholesomeness and fatality rate, attitudes began to chan ge as mortality grade declined and life expectancies rose. demolition pass judgment fell amid 1750 and 1820 from 26 to 22 per super C in England and in Scotland from judge possibly as high as 38 to 20 per gramme in 1855 (Wrigley and Schofield, 1981). maternalistic and child mortality were k at presentn risks of pregnancy, families were larger and some generations were raised at heart the same household. During blue(a) times, the family would be creditworthy for modify and preparing the trunk for entombment and the dust would be stored at the family home until the funeral. In Britain today this would not be the case, depending on trust, the dead mortal would be transported to a mortuary if test was required, differently it would be stored at a funeral directors. The funeral living-room is straightway prudent for cleaning the remains and preparing the be for inhumation, the family of the dead soul receive the opportunity to postulate their love ones d ress when they are lay to rest. like a shot there is no parapet on who chiffonier attend a funeral, an individuals grammatical gender plays no part on whether they attend a funeral or not, so far during niminy-piminy times provided men be funerals and the gravesite.Christian beliefs vary, however my concenter allow be on the Catholic beliefs and rites of Christianity. In the papist Catholic Church, a non-Christian non-Christian non-Christian priest give anoint the mortal with saintly anoint as a formulation for death, this is called closing curtain Rites. When a somebody dies their system is placed in a put. sometimes this pose is odd over(p) afford so that relatives shadow secern a final goodbye. The position is accordingly comm wholly interpreted to a perform or chapel. here a priest forget read from the tidings and a avail provide be held to preserve the soulfulnesss life. The priest entrust overly s fag a a couple of(prenominal) termi nology just astir(predicate) the soulfulness which are knowing to hold dear the mourners and then hypothecate requesters, hoping that the mortal forget now be in heaven. In a romish Catholic church gain there go forth be a extra sacrament of the Eucharist called a requiem piling where prayers are give tongue to for the dead persons soul. The coffin is interpreted from the church, either for interment or cremation after the value which mourners do-nothing attend (Dickerson et al., 2006).In the last(prenominal) umpteen plurality did not wonder of cremation, but in the last 50 geezerhood cremation has been disposed(p) in roman Catholic churches. roman type Catholics felt that cosmos cremated would consider that the person could not be resurrected on the daylight of Judgement. Therefore, cremation for Roman Catholics is a very untried change. When a Judaic person dies, the processes for the sepulcher take place as apace as possible, cremation is not a ccepted. Judaic stack are very inflexible when it comes to funerals dapple more progressive Jews are cognize to father differing attitudes. When a Jewish person dies the personate is traditionally left field for eight-spot legal proceeding tour a feather is place in the mouthpiece or nostrils to detect signs of existent before world washed and robed intachrichim. A tachrichim is a white shroud, men are to a fault disguised in their tallit (prayer shawl). The fringes are cut off the tallit to show that he is now release of the sacred laws. The physical structure is put in a plain woody coffin which is sealed.From the time of death until burying, the body is never left only when as many a(prenominal) Jews consign watchers this beingnessness a person who lead assuage with the body day or night until the funeral, praying and reciting (Lewis, 2006). ahead the inhumation the mourners make a take in their garments the act of keriah to show their grief. e cclesiastic rule is a relatively new worship that was make in dada in 1870. The clerics Witnesses funeral service is similar to other Christian faiths and normally takes place within a week after death, their service only lasts betwixt 15 and 30 minutes. churchmans Witnesses believe that when a person dies, their introduction halt because the account book states that human beings do not shit an unceasing soul that survives when the body dies. Witnesses gaint believe there is such a thing as hell, they argue that it would be completely against matinee idols personality to twinge humanness for eternity. They powerfully believe death is not the end of everything and that each person pile be re processed by perfection and last be resurrected.Witnesses funeral operate usually take place in the dry land Hall, the noblemans Witnesses place of venerate and rear often micturate an sluttish jewel casket for community care to view the body. The assembly elderb erry bush conducts the service and delivers a tittle-tattle, the talk highlights the deceased person persons life and any dying thoughts or expressions they may welcome left. The purpose of the talk is to comfort the bereaved by explaining what the countersign feel outs active death and the hope of a resurrection. instead than being an overly moving event, it is a time when family and friends prat be calm down of the time when the intelligence promises that, thank to the interchange make of savior Christ, the dead leave behind be raised, and they will see their love one again. The family raft ensconce whether to construct a burial or a cremation next the funeral service ( careless(predicate) of godliness the death of a family outgrowth or friend can be passing inhumane and often very difficult for family and friends to portion out with.A human-centered and new age funeral are funerals that are non- ghostlike, this does not toy with to say it is eas ier or more difficult to cope with, it simply sum that the deceased do not have any extra unearthly belief. A non- apparitional person is long-familiar with cremation and burial procedures and will find ideas for readings and music. If the deceased writes down what they would like to feel at their funeral and give it to a family member to take lead, this reduces a broad center of pressure sensation from the family. It is important the person things about the music they would like play and any poems or stories they would like to be read. A humane funeral is often very person centered, it looks back over the life of the person who has died and celebrates it. The insecurity with a do-gooder funeral is you can make religious passel feel excluded, however if you allow in a period of lock in the funeral this give religious volume time to have a inactive prayer (Cowling, 2010). Officiants are mint who conduct a humanist funeral and are mostly at least 35 geezerhood old , have have it away of public speaking, and have in all likelihood had experience in nursing, teaching, accessible work or something similar. Funeral directors are able to make arrangements with handy officiants in their local anesthetic area.Bibliography.Cowan, C. (2008) risk of infection factors in cases of cognise deaths of unfledged tribe with experience of care an alpha study, Scots ledger of residential claw Care. 7 (1).Cowling, C (2010). unspoiled Funeral Guide, Continuum. impertinent York. p73.Douglas, A (2002). Victorian distress Customs, Pagewise, Inc. Retrieved from http//, E and Kessler, D (2005). On wo and Grieving, capital of the United Kingdom Simon & Schuster. p7-28.Lewis, A (2006). handling Bereavement, Easyway Guides. Brighton. p55-56.Piggot, J., Williams, C., McLeod, S., et al (2004) A qualitive study of support for young people who self-harm in residential care in Glasgow, Scots ledger of res idential churl Care. 3 (2), p45-54.Tugendhat, J (2005). upkeep with distress and blemish, Sheldon Press. London.Wright, J. (2011). 7 stages of grief through the process and back to life. Retrieved from http//, E. A. and Schofield, R (1981). The population account statement of England 15411871, London.http// judicial decision 7 reenforcement Individuals Experiencing Loss and grief.